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Installation fails ...

01 Nov 2012 18:03 #1 by KrisTof
Hello everybody,

I'm trying to install Project'Or RIA for hours and there's still the same problem:

first I copy files and dirs on my server, then I launch the URL and there's the config page. Then after tunning my configuration I launch again the webapp and and correctly redirected to http://{my-website}/{install-dir}/view/main.php but when I try to log with admin/admin a loader appears and NEVER disappears. I've looked in DB, the schema was created but there's no table created in.

I would really appreciate to be helped.

For information, installation is on a VPS, {install-dir} is "project" and I've no error message and db schema was auto-created.

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01 Nov 2012 18:19 - 01 Nov 2012 18:20 #2 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Re: Installation fails ...
the first time you log in, tables are created. That's why it takes some time.
You can follow up progress in the log file.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
Last edit: 01 Nov 2012 18:20 by babynus.

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01 Nov 2012 18:35 #3 by KrisTof
Replied by KrisTof on topic Re: Installation fails ...
First of all, thank you for your answer.

I've read the manual book (pdf) so I knew that tables was created on first run B) but I think that more than half an hour later tables should be created :blink:
In fact I check logs and there was nothing excepted this line:
2012-11-01 11:38:37 ===== TRACE ===== register_globals doit être désactivé (positionné à false). <br/>Mettez à jour le fichier Php.ini.

And "Project" schema do not contains any table ...

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01 Nov 2012 20:21 #4 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Re: Installation fails ...
Well, tables creation should not last more than few minutes.

Could you try to run again configuration ?
Just delete the /tool/parametersLocation.php file and run again.
Then try to create new schema in lowercase, without a work that could be reserved (Project could be a reserved word...).
Check that you get message "database ceated".

Let me know how you get there.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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02 Nov 2012 11:02 #5 by KrisTof
Replied by KrisTof on topic Re: Installation fails ...

I couldn't answer you sooner cause I live in France so there's a certain time difference.

This morning I've deleted the "/tool/parametersLocation.php" file and ran again the configurator. The only fields I updated were:
  • Database user to connect
  • Database password for user
  • Default locale to be used on i18n

so the default schema name was not updated. I got this message:
Database 'projectorria' created.
Parameters are saved.

And then when I try to connect with admin/admin, I still get the "unbeatable" loader ...

I assume there's no problem with DB connection thanks to the schema auto creation ... But there must be a problem somewhere.

Would it be possible, to have sql table creation queries in order to run them manually in order to try to solve this problem. I saw queries in the /db directory but file starts with an "ALTER" so I guess this is not the good file ...


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02 Nov 2012 11:47 #6 by babynus
Replied by babynus on topic Re: Installation fails ...
I've just tried again, all is working fine for table creation.
I don't really understand the problem you're facing.

What is really strange is that you should get at least a "standard" error in the log file

2012-11-02 11:40:41 ***** ERROR ***** Exception-[42S02] SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 La table 'projectorria_test_install.parameter' n'existe pas
2012-11-02 11:40:41 ***** ERROR ***** For query : select * from parameter where parameter.idUser is null and parameter.idProject is null and parameter.parameterCode ='dbVersion'
2012-11-02 11:40:41 ***** ERROR ***** Strack trace :
2012-11-02 11:40:41 ***** ERROR ***** #0 Sql->query called at [G:\www\projectorriaV2.6\model\persistence\SqlElement.php:1103]
2012-11-02 11:40:41 ***** ERROR ***** #1 SqlElement->getSqlElementsFromCriteria called at [G:\www\projectorriaV2.6\model\persistence\SqlElement.php:1194]
2012-11-02 11:40:41 ***** ERROR ***** #2 SqlElement->getSingleSqlElementFromCriteria called at [G:\www\projectorriaV2.6\model\persistence\Sql.php:276]
2012-11-02 11:40:41 ***** ERROR ***** #3 Sql->getDbVersion called at [G:\www\projectorriaV2.6\tool\loginCheck.php:21]

This is due to table parameters not existing yet.

You can try and run scripts in /db folder.
Just start at 0.3.0, and execute them in the versions order.
You'll just have to replace the ${prefix} with desired prefix for tables (or just remove it for no prefix).

Just to try, maybe you can first try just to create "parameter" table and connect to application to try automatic update.
CREATE TABLE `parameter` (
  `id` int(12) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `idUser` int(12) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `idProject` int(12) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `parameterCode` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `parameterValue` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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