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BUG: The list of projects is truncated

28 Dec 2011 11:19 #7 by campsy
Hi babynus,

login must be empty and pasword is &prjselect%

thank you
Best regards

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30 Dec 2011 11:49 #8 by babynus
I downloaded the screenshots.
I'll have a look.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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30 Jan 2012 21:34 #9 by babynus
I finaly found the time to analyse your screen shots.

First, I tried to reproduce, but could not : with exactly same parameters, I had a correct list.

In your screenshots, I found somethong strange :
- in user, the "anoury" reosurce is also a user
- in affectation list, "anoury" is displayed as a resource, but not as a user.
This looks like an issue from V1.7 and V1.8, fixed in V1.9.
You can just try and select the affectations, and just save, without any change.
If my guess is correct, you should have message "affectation saved", even if you made no change.
Do this for all the affectations.
Then test again.

I hope this will fix your issue.

Let me know the result.


Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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05 Mar 2012 09:48 #10 by campsy
Hi babynus,

this problem is effectively solved when the assignment contains the name of the user and the resource, being given the number of assignment or there is the problem, I will prepare a request to perform update directly to the database.

thank you for your help

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