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Link from project to tickets

01 Sep 2022 07:36 #1 by RoBra81

we do our weekly project status using project view: for each project we
- check the targets
- check progress
- check and assign notes
- have a quick look over the open tickets for that project
The first three point can be done within project details after selection project in project view. For the last one we have to switch to ticket view, set filter to actual project, check tickets. switch back to project view, reset filter to see all projects, find next relevant project. It would be great if there was a possibility to quick switch to tickets (and maybe activities) for selected project by either open a popup with ticket list filtered for selected project or get a new "tab" within project details with list of related tickets (maybe open details within popup für space reasons)

Or is there any other solution how I can do this right now?

Thanks in advance

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01 Sep 2022 18:48 #2 by babynus
You can use as a shortcut the "Gear" button you'll find beside project select (this button appears only when you move the mouse in the Project Selector area)
This will automatically select the current project (if you're on a project it selects this project, if you're on a ticket it selects the project of the ticket)
Then click again to select "all projects"

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02 Sep 2022 07:01 #3 by RoBra81
Oh, thanks, that works besides that way back (click again or double click) doesn't work.

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