I would like to close about 30 resources. I have prepared a file to do so: selected the resources by a csv file, changed the "closed" section from 0 to 1. It does not close the resource, though there is no assignment issue. I could spend some time doing it by clicking -but this makes more than 4 clicks per resource (selecting the name, clicking on "close", checking the dialog box, saving).
Is there a way to do it automatically? The idea is that all the checks are done elsewhere.
Have you tried the multiple update feature on the resources screen ?
As you can see, you can select which resources you want the change to be taken into consideration and the field to be changed. Don't forget to hit the "save" button (disk) at the end.
Thanks for the suggestion -I am a fan of this feature.
Indeed, this makes much less clicks! I have checked it and this is a workable backup solution if we cannot automate the solution.
Yet, I need some special filtering that is not available in the app. I can get along by making the most of the exisiting filter and cheking by myself, since the addtional filter capability is marginal. The issue with marginal selection (I mean selecting on the screen a few lines among tens) is that this is prone to errors.
However, I understand it is difficult to implement it by file import -we will survive
Yet, I need some special filtering that is not available in the app.
Do not hesitate to share with us any ideas for developments for the application. It is also thanks to users and their different working methods that the application continues to evolve and enrich and we would be curious to know what you are missing in the filters !
I think it is too specific: basically, it is an equivalent of a join between the project and affectation tables.
The other aspect is that we use information from other bases. For instance, project information that is already handled by other tools set by our organization or partners. The customization helps a lot, but since we want to prevent information duplication, we make specific joins, using APIs.
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