Hi all,
we have the following use case: we want to manually plan the time for a team (not a specific resource), without knowing in advance who from the team will work on that activity.
Consider that the team is made of many people, it may happen that we would like to allocate more than one "person-day": for instance, on 15th of January, 2 people will work of the activity for a total of 8+8 = 16 hours.
Unfortunately, I didn't understand how to make the system accept overtime (if possible). As we don't know exaclty who will be those 2 people, it doesn't make sense to allocate time of 2 specific resources.
Is there a way to solve it?
It is of course possible to do this kind of planning, however you will have to use resource pools and not teams.
Feel free to take a look at the manual to learn how to use
Dear Arkhanje,
thank you very much! Unfortunately, for me, it doesn't work as expected.
After assigning a Pool to an activity, I can't increase the number of FTE (and so, I can't pretend it to be more people at the same time), if the planning mode is set to "manual planning".
Conversely, if it is set to "as soon as possible", then I'm allowed to increase the number of FTE assigned to that Pool, but unfortunately we are using the "manual planning" mode and this is quite mandatory.
Is there any configuration I can set to make it work as expected?
I'm afraid you cannot mix "Pools" and "manual planning"
Manual planning is only fpor identified resources, you cannot "manually" plan work for a resource you don't know yet (amongst a pool or a team).
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