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Ticket time link with plan

19 Jun 2012 09:40 #1 by ThierrC49
Hello Babynus,

I'm trying the ticket management and have a miss understanding about how it work

I have an activity "A" in planning with 8h affected + one resources
I have a ticket link with activity "A" with 4h affected

I've imagined that the planned work for activity "A" will be recalculated by Activity time + Ticket time.

I've imagine that the ticket will be automatically link with the resource affected to activity.

Could you please explain how the ticket is manage regarding activity, what is the link


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19 Jun 2012 10:20 - 19 Jun 2012 10:21 #2 by babynus

I've imagined that the planned work for activity "A" will be recalculated by Activity time + Ticket time.

No, Real work for activity A will be, but left work will be decremented so that planned work remains the same.

I've imagine that the ticket will be automatically link with the resource affected to activity.

No, it is not automatic.

Management of Tickets is based on this rules :
- Tickets are "not planned events" (bugs, issues, support requests)
- Activities are planned
- what you can plan is global work for a team on bug fixing
Then :
- you plan the work on the activity (to be sure no other activity is planned for resources)
- when resource works on a bug, the activity is updated as if the resource has declared working on the activity (but you get more detail)
- as several resources can be assignedto the "bug fixing" activity, there is no way to automatically define Responsible on Ticket (which is unique)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
Last edit: 19 Jun 2012 10:21 by babynus.

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19 Jun 2012 12:23 #3 by ThierrC49
Thanks for this answer.

I don't see any advantage to enter the planned work for ticket if there are no link between activity and ticket.
For me the planned time shall be the initial planned + the new ticket estimated time because the initial activity still active and the ticket is an extra works that disturb the initial plan.

Perhaps an project'or improvement :p


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19 Jun 2012 14:02 #4 by babynus

don't see any advantage to enter the planned work for ticket if there are no link between activity and ticket.

There is a link : the real work on ticket is summarized on Activity (and appears on activity line in Real Work Allocation)

For me the planned time shall be the initial planned + the new ticket estimated time because the initial activity still active and the ticket is an extra works that disturb the initial plan.

If ticket work is not part a of planned activity (like bug fixing activity), then you should not select an activity, and ticket work will appear as "non assigned work".

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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19 Jun 2012 16:33 #5 by ThierrC49

Ok this solution isn't match with my need :( but I understand the philosophy :huh:

I'm using Project'or to plan all activity of engineer, each week the engineer know on which task/project that he must work independently the input (ticket activity = not in initial plan and activity = initial planned).

The engineer look on Project by resources or by Real Work Allocation how many hours and when he must working on one task.


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26 Jun 2012 14:40 #6 by ekolossov
There is way around: create one activity/task and name it something like 'Bug fixing' and link all tickets to this activity

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