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Track the progress of an import

22 May 2013 15:41 #1 by LEVA
Hi babynus,

I managed to implement xlsx importation (If you are interested let me know) but I have another issue.
My needs require to import large files and the process can be very long. I would like to display something (a progress bar or just a text to begin with...) while data are stored in order to inform the user that it is working..

I tried to add some echo inside importable::import() but it displays my text at the end of the process.. not very usefull.
Actually, even an echo inside import.php displays at the end of the process...

Well I am not the best php developper so I guess there is something I missed.

Do you have a hint ?

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22 May 2013 18:21 #2 by babynus

If you are interested let me know

Of course I am ! :woohoo:

Do you have a hint ?

It is not easy : In fact, you must interrupt import process to return a reply indicating the progress status, then automatically (in background) call the import phase. This means you must be able to get bacj to import and restart where you stopped (not from beginning).
It is not an easy process to implement. :sick:

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23 May 2013 08:25 - 23 May 2013 14:50 #3 by LEVA

babynus wrote:

Do you have a hint ?

It is not easy : In fact, you must interrupt import process to return a reply indicating the progress status, then automatically (in background) call the import phase. This means you must be able to get bacj to import and restart where you stopped (not from beginning).
It is not an easy process to implement. :sick:

That is what I have seen some times on the net...

Things like :
if (function_exists('register_shutdown_function'))
// On affiche un pixel transparent
header('Content-length: 85');
header('Content-type: image/gif');
print base64_decode(

Is this applicable ?

Not my priority for the moment, but I'll get back to it.

Or can't import() call a script or something that would update a display somewhere ?
Last edit: 23 May 2013 14:50 by LEVA.

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23 May 2013 10:22 #4 by babynus
No, register_shutdown_function will not help, and it does not work on windows platforms.

but this one may help :

 * Quick and easy progress script
 * The script will slow iterate through an array and display progress as it goes.

#First progress
$array1  = array(2, 4, 56, 3, 3);
$current = 0;

foreach ($array1 as $element) {
    outputProgress($current, count($array1));
echo "<br>";

#Second progress
$array2  = array(2, 4, 66, 54);
$current = 0;

foreach ($array2 as $element) {
    outputProgress($current, count($array2));

 * Output span with progress.
 * @param $current integer Current progress out of total
 * @param $total   integer Total steps required to complete
function outputProgress($current, $total) {
    echo "<span style='position: absolute;z-index:$current;background:#FFF;'>" . round($current / $total * 100) . "% </span>";

 * Flush output buffer
function myFlush() {
    echo(str_repeat(' ', 256));
    if (@ob_get_contents()) {


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23 May 2013 12:04 #5 by LEVA
It works well on a blank page on a blank website. But I struggle to implement it in Project'Or RIA.

Actually, I made a custom blank view in Project'Or RIA to test my things.

When I go into my dev view, showWait() (or whatever it is ^^) spins for 10 seconds and then the two 100% appear at the top.. But no progression :(

Does showWait() or another fonction interfer with display ? Perhpas I should put then.. to sleep :evil:

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23 May 2013 13:35 #6 by babynus
Maybe it's due to the way script is called.
In Project'Or RIA, most calls are Ajax based.
Maybe a standard way would work better... This would involve the use of an iFRame as target.

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