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Structuring the system to work for us

13 Jun 2013 12:47 - 13 Jun 2013 12:47 #13 by Rexeh
Unable to view the link, generating a 403
Last edit: 13 Jun 2013 12:47 by Rexeh.

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13 Jun 2013 13:03 #14 by babynus
The link is :
You can also acces the page using the website menu "Services" > "Support"

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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13 Jun 2013 13:06 #15 by Rexeh
Only services > services summary available for me babynus.

403 is what I get on that link (see attached)

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13 Jun 2013 13:38 #16 by babynus
It should be better now.
Both access and link should work.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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14 Jun 2013 17:15 - 14 Jun 2013 17:24 #17 by Rexeh
Can confirm, thank you.

To add further detail to the issues with imports, I add reproduction steps for you.

1. Project Imports

- Projects imported with fields id | name | idClient | projectCoe | idProjectType | idStatus | idHealth

Filled in

On Import, Projects appear in PROJECTS
On Import, Planning shows projects but with no names

Saving each project manually fixes the missing links (Not very fun for many projects :cheer: )

2. Activities Import

- Successful import using fields id | idProject | idActivityType | name | idUser | idStatus | done = 0 | idActivityPlanningMode = 1

All activities imported and viewable in ACTIVITIES, Planning mode no activities visible.

Manual save of activities is now required for them to display in planning (not in WBS order)

Once all saved, each project in planning must be drag/dropped to initialise the WBS ordering for all related activities (oriaplanningelement is the suspected cause - records are all initialised as NULL, once saved values are committed)

Next step is ticket import... if I must save each one manually we will have to cease with the tool for now - There are too many tickets to manually save. Is this likely to be fixed if we pay for support?
Last edit: 14 Jun 2013 17:24 by Rexeh.

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14 Jun 2013 17:28 - 14 Jun 2013 17:28 #18 by babynus

Is this likely to be fixed if we pay for support?

This is likely to be fixed even if you don't pay ;)
(OK, I'm not a good commercial, I would not be able to sell an old truck :whistle: )

What you will get will paid support is reactivity : you would get a fix in the coming days, not having to wait for next version. :woohoo:

Thanks for the information you provided...
This will help fixing this issue.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site
Last edit: 14 Jun 2013 17:28 by babynus.

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