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Background activity setup - bg stops after two minutes

10 Apr 2018 19:28 #1 by tonix
I'm here again trying to make the "internalcron working".
I've yet version 5.5.4, so I don't know if this feature changed a lot on next versions (I'm planning to migrate nextly).

When I configure my IMAP connection for reading emails, and then I start the background activity, the background task works for a couple of minutes, than the background activity status turns back to stopped.

Which is the principle for which this feature should work without stopping h24, of course without putting the PHP execution limits to weeks?
What am I missing? Should an admin be always logged?



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11 Apr 2018 19:55 #2 by babynus

Please check if error is logged on projeqtor error log file.

CRON Process never ends, so it should not stop unless :
- an error occurs
- you php configuration forbids to set time_limit to zero (no limit)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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11 Apr 2018 20:08 #3 by tonix
Of course php is not permitted to set itself for infinite loop. This is a normal safety precaution.
Wouldn't it be easier to provide a cron php file to execute when needed?
Maybe a simple cron php file which will call already existing functions for polling IMAP, importing files, etc...

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11 Apr 2018 20:18 #4 by babynus

Of course php is not permitted to set itself for infinite loop.

It is not a question of infinite loop, but infiinite (or at least not limited) execution time
This is how internal CRON process works.

Using linux CRON process is out of question : too hard to configure for most users and not available on Windows...

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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11 Apr 2018 21:11 #5 by tonix
(real) cron is the only affordable solution, just need two lines of comment and it's done. Windows users may use actual scheduler as alternative, but I feel they will prefer schtasks.
It should not be so difficult to extract one or two files to put be in cron, but it would save time and nightmares to the most of users.

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12 Apr 2018 17:57 #6 by babynus

(real) cron is the only affordable solution

No, our internal system works fine

just need two lines of comment and it's done

If it is so simple, just do it ;)

t should not be so difficult to extract one or two files to put be in cron

Not so easy and really no interest

but it would save time and nightmares to the most of users.

Our internal CRON works like a charm for most users. We won't change things that work for most to please single user.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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