Thank you for the realy good job you doing ! PorjeQtor is a very good tools.
Thanks for this wonderful free tool quality based project management system.
Really impressed by this tool. Great work was done. Thanks a lot !
excelent tool you have made
Congratulation for Projeqtor. I'm a new user and I just installed Projeqtor for my server.
For the moment I like it
ProjeQtOr is absolutely fantastic! Thank you to everyone involved.
thanks for the great job you do
many thanks for this amazing software
I started using ProjeQtor about 10 days ago.
I found that the solution is really rich and that I would need more that a few weeks to be able to set it up and make my team use it.
Great job! And thanks for the support, that really helps to start using it.
My name is Rene and I am also a brand new user of ProjeQtOr en new to the board. Really impressed by the software! You guys really are doing a great job.
I am new to ProjeQtOr and already fond of it. Great work!.
Hello, i am a new user of ProjeQtOr and i might say it is wonderful, great work
thank you for this amazing projeqtor
Projeqtor is amazing!
, Projeqtor is terrific!
Firstly, i wanna thank Projeqtor did hep me to manage our team very good.
ProjeQtOr is definitely my and the entire community's favourite tool. It is a tool of choice!
Thanx for all your work. I deployed ProjeQtor in my company since july 2014, it becomes one of our main information tools. Great !
let me congrulate you for this sofware and the work you do every day