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Screen customization plugin issue

02 Feb 2022 09:51 #1 by bgenolini
Since we installed version 9.4.2, we get the following error with the screen customization plugin on the "activity progress" screen (nred pave on the left part with an error warning, correct view on the right part):2022-02-02 09:39:36.201 ***** ERROR ***** [V9.4.2] ERROR *****
2022-02-02 09:39:36.201 ***** ERROR ***** [V9.4.2] on file '/pdisk/www/projeqtor/model/ActivityPlanningElementMain.php' at line (235)
2022-02-02 09:39:36.201 ***** ERROR ***** [V9.4.2] cause = Undefined property: Project::$workOnRealTime

We don't have this issue with version 9.3.5.

Thanks in advance.


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02 Feb 2022 10:01 #2 by babynus
Which version of Screen Customization are you using ?
In fact V6.0 should automatically fix the issue.
If it does not, please post here file projeqtor/model/custom/ActivityPlanningElementMain.php for analysis and fix.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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02 Feb 2022 11:22 #3 by bgenolini
We do use v. 6.0. I've asked to a colleague to provide the file.


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02 Feb 2022 12:41 #4 by obrandf
There is no such file, only ActivityPlanningElement.php

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02 Feb 2022 12:59 #5 by babynus
Yes, that's this one.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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02 Feb 2022 15:14 #6 by obrandf

Here it is.

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