I used so far the API request Project/all to get the status of the project. Until version 11.0.1, it worked fine. With 11.0.2, I dont get the status columns (status, "en cours", etc.).
I even check them for display in the app (making sure that the status is displayed), it does not change the behavior.
I log as admin in both cases.
There is no issue with the API, status is still returned.
What may happen is that you hid the status for the profile of the user used to connect to the API : if a field is not visibile through the interface for this user, it will not be visible through the API.
The field is visible for the user in the interface but not in the API. I log as admin.
I have also checked in the screen customization that all user type have access to the status.
And indeed, I had not this behavior before the update to version 11.0.2.
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