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ProjeQtOr free project management software - Use Standard Mode / Use Switched Mode button - ProjeQtOr

Use Standard Mode / Use Switched Mode button

01 Aug 2013 17:56 #1 by ccattani
When opening Project'Or the Use Standard Mode / Use Switched Mode button is displaying the translated text in Spanish correctly, but after the first toggle it switches to the text in English and never goes back to Spanish.

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02 Aug 2013 10:11 #2 by babynus
Did you try and refresh your browser cache ?

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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03 Aug 2013 00:21 #3 by ccattani
I solved the problem ... Thanks !

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03 Aug 2013 01:09 #4 by babynus
How did you solve ?

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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05 Aug 2013 16:45 #5 by ccattani
I modified the spanish translation file since there are some mistakes and also I needed to change some of the existing labels to reflect a better description of the options and/or fields.

I have a file of my own in which I register the changes and after each update I just copy the contents at the end of the translation file but it seems the last 2 lines of the original translation file need to be kept as the last ones, so I just moved my personal translations 2 lines up and problem solved.

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05 Aug 2013 17:09 #6 by babynus

The best way to manage translations is to use the lang.xls file : it contains a macro to automatically generate lang.js files, and is much easier to manage than lang.js file.
You can get it on the download page.
If you have some fixing, please send them to me, I'll integrate your fixing in next version.

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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