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ProjeQtOr free project management software - [SOLVED] Find from API the working days for a given resource in a week - ProjeQtOr

[SOLVED] Find from API the working days for a given resource in a week

06 Sep 2022 15:09 #1 by cmarti
Hi all,

I'm working on a script that catch each week the summary of the timesheets through the API to create a weekly report.
It's quite easy to collect all the timesheets and gather the information for each projects or administrative tasks.

But up to now I put by hand the total working days of the group, each week.

My question is then to know if and how I can collect the off-days for each resources through the API.

Thank you

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07 Sep 2022 11:01 #2 by babynus
Off days are work days on Administrative projets.
But you must also take into account Calendar (table calendar) for idCalendar = Resource idCalendar

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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07 Sep 2022 16:10 #3 by cmarti
Hi Babynus,

You are right for the off-days, I express myself badly. I have already have them as well as the illness.
My point is linked indeed to the calendar, that I do not know how to grab from the API.

What I miss is to calculate the number of possible working days by resource, once I have the info on a given resource and therefore its linked calendar.
(I'm in version 9.5.3 today, but can do the upgrade if needed)
Thank you,

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08 Sep 2022 11:25 #4 by babynus
You must request API on object Calendar, to get the list for idCalendar = Resource idCalendar

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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14 Sep 2022 16:09 #5 by cmarti
Hello Babynus,

I'm not sure to understand your answer.
Is it today possible to grab the calendar through the API?
or is this need to be implemented?

Thank you,

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15 Sep 2022 09:15 #6 by babynus
You can request API on any object, including CalendarDefinition (one object per calendar) and Calendar (one object per calendar and day)

Administrator of ProjeQtOr web site

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