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Projects Rights & Organization

26 Jan 2023 11:33 #1 by iFlorian
Hi there,
I wonder How to param ProjeQtOr with profile & rights in order to manage all projects in my Collectivity. 

I create a Reader Profile (only reader !) and I would like to organize my projects in this way, for example with my direction: 
1 - Global DSI 
   |- 1.1 - Application & office service
           |- 1.1.1 - Application pole
                      | - Project 1
                      | - Project 2
           |- 1.1.2 - Office pole
                      |- Project 1
                      |- Project 2
  |- 1.2 - Network & telephony service
         |- 1.2.1 - Network pole
                      |- Project 1
                      |- Project 2
         |- 1.2.2 Telephony pole
                      |- Project 1
                      |- Project 2

I have a User named Albert with default profile "Project Leader". 
I would like Albert see all projects under  "1.1 Application & office service", so I affect him to the project "1.1 Applicatioin & office service" with reader profile : OK.
I give him also the possibility to manage project under "1.1.1 Application office"  so I affect him with Project Leader profil by here: OK. 

I don't want him to be able to create or modify project under "1.1.2 - Office pole" or even "1 - Global DSI" or "1.1 - Application& office service"  : KO !
Currently, he is able to create project under this directories, why ? He has only a Reader profile on this directories. 

Is-it a bug ? 

Best regards,

“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.” ~ Steve Jobs
"...and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." ~ Think Different

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27 Jan 2023 09:27 #2 by Arkhanje
Good morning !

What version of ProjeQTOr are you on? Have these directories been copied? Did you create them after the ones that should work? What profile does your user have on these directories? Is this a legacy profile? Inherited from project 1.1.1? And after that, what right did you put on the project leader profile? Is he a manager? manager +? (Attention to the +) Have you checked the creation rights on this profile?

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27 Jan 2023 14:01 #3 by iFlorian
Good afternoon ! 
We use currently ProjeQtOr V10.2.1 (and I install the last version each time  when it is released)
These projects have not been copied. I have created them before I affect Albert on it. 

Like I said it, Albert has a profile "reader" on the  "1.1 - Application & office service" It's a new profile that I have created. It is like Supervisor but without any modify/create right. ==> Only "reader" (not reader+)
So I think Albert should have a  inherited reader profil for sub-project under "1.1 - Application & office service". 
Albert is affect with a Project Leader profile only on  "1.1.1 Application pole" so he can create projects under this project. 

Best regards,


“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.” ~ Steve Jobs
"...and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." ~ Think Different

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30 Jan 2023 11:14 #4 by Arkhanje
I am sorry but no... It is impossible   I've tested everything possible and unimaginable, both on 10.1 and 10.2 with an all single reader profile i created and a wbs identical to yours... I absolutely can't create a project or sub-project if I don't have rights. I can only create on the 1.1.1 project where I am a project manager. I have no rights elsewhere...

So I don't see anything else to say than check your access rights. You must have left something behind that gives him that right.

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30 Jan 2023 14:48 #5 by iFlorian
I have modified Albert's default's profile with "reader" and not "Project Leader". -->  HE can always create project under 1.1.2 ! (but no modify it after ! )
I dont't understand why is it possible: I can create a project on 1.1 if I select this sub-project, and immediatley after, I have no rights to modify it.
it is the same  if I keep empty the sub-project : my project is create to the root and Albert cannot modify this project after ! 

Is-it possible to prohibit the project creation if the user have no create rights on the tree structure of sub-project  ? 



“Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.” ~ Steve Jobs
"...and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." ~ Think Different

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31 Jan 2023 09:13 #6 by Arkhanje

"I have modified Albert's default's profile with "reader" and not "Project Leader".

You are confusing Profiles and access mode.
The project leader is a profile that has several access modes on the different elements of projeQtOr that are set on the screen " access to data (project dependant) " or " access to data (not project dependant) ".

Reader is not a profile for us. what did you set "reader" as the access mode? projects ? activities ? the tickets ? above all ... ???

HE can always create project under 1.1.2! (but no modify it after!)

So he has a creator access mode on the projects!? Have you checked ?

the same is true if I leave the sub-project empty: my project is created at the root and Albert cannot modify this project afterwards!

Is it therefore that it was created incorrectly and that the field "is sub-project of" remained empty?

The default access modes are configured in a certain way. If you change them, unfortunately, we can not guess.
Try to be clearer, Albert has a default profile, which one? He must also have a profile on the project in question, which one? On the project profile how are the access modes configured?

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