Ticket currently related to the Project which making target version completely useless. I think it will be much better to have ticket related to the Product - in this case target version (which actually Project) will make sense. Can you please explain what the reasons to have ticket related to project?
Every element is related to Project.
Project'Or RIA is a Project Management Tool, not just a bug tracker.
The interest is to link everything to a project.
Interest of version is major : have a look to Track Database, you'll see what I mean : one can easily point out what is planned on a version, when fixing or new fuctionality will be deployed...
Ticket is linked to product through the version.
Ease in linking is done while linking Project and Version.
I guess that we have kind of different definition of project and product. From our point of view Projectorria is a product, version 2.5.1 - is a project
Developement of V2.5.1 is a project.
Maintenance of V2.4.x is another project.
All these projects could be included in a main Project, called Project'Or RIA (same as product).
This is exactly what I am talking about! You actually not using product at all because everything in your definition is the project. This is acceptable if you have one product. If you have many then you will have hierarchy:
Product A
---Project 1 = product A version 1
---Project 1.1 = product A version 1.1
Product B
---project 1 = product B version 1
---project 1.1 = product B version 1.1
So, any development or maintenance project related to the product!!!
You're right.
But not only.
I often have :
Project 1 (Maintenance)
- Product A - V1 (maint)
- Product B - V1 (maint)
Project 2 (Dev)
- Product A - V2
Project 3 (Dev)
- Product B - V2
and possible (afterwards)
Project 4 (Dev)
- Product A - V3
- Product B - V3
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