Here is the description :
Product is optional.
If product is set, versions (origin and target) are limited to versions of product
If version is set, product is automatically set to product of version.
To think about : sub-product management
- searching for tickets on product criteria should also search for sub-products of the product.
- limit to versions should include version of sub-product
As a work around, you can :
- search for all versions of a product : will return all the tickets on the product
- you could define a top project called "Product A", on top of all projects about Product A. Then, selecting project "Product A" will select all tickets on product.
Notice that if "project 1" and "project 2" deal with "product A", if you have visibility only on "project 2", searching for "product A" tickets will never let you see tickets on "projet 1", even if they are on "product A"
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